Thursday, March 02, 2006

Volunteers wanted to help chart a course for school success

By Janelle Randazza

PEABODY – Calling all volunteers! Peabody Public Schools is looking for a few good men and women to serve on the district’s Strategic Plan Committee. Superintendent of Schools Nadine Binkley says the committee will help the district move towards the community’s preferred future.
“We are setting a direction for our school system over the next several years… It is important that we hear from parents and community members what they want and need… we want to develop a school system that is reflective of the community,” said Binkley.
The committee, which will be facilitated by Teachers21, a non-profit organization focused on systemic education reform, will be broken up into 12 subcommittees with each subcommittee concentrating on a single objective. Binkley hopes to have a minimum of three volunteers for each objective, but would allow up to eight on each subcommittee. She hopes that by getting a diverse pool of interested parties, the district will be able to establish a common purpose and a framework for communication.
“We need community members who can help us [learn] how we can best work with them. We really have a door open to allow people to be involved in many different capacities,” said Binkely, stressing that the committee has numerous options for community involvement.
The strategic plan is a culmination of analysis and work done by a committee consisting of teachers, administrators, parents, school committee members, government officials, students, and business and community leaders. The plans lofty goal is to “define the mission, vision, guiding beliefs, and goals and objectives which will guide the work of the school district during the next three to five years.”
Although the plan will be worked on, analyzed and developed over the next three to five years, Binkley says she hopes to have a rotating pool of volunteers.
“Three to five years commitment is a lot to ask of a volunteer. These will be ongoing committees for the duration of the project but our hope is to rotate volunteers after two years, so that the volunteers aren’t burdened and so we can continue to get fresh ideas,” said Binkley.
Binkley says they are looking for volunteers to start as soon as possible.
“We did some advertising at the beginning of the school year. We got a number of interested people to sign up, but not nearly enough,” said Binkley, who stressed that the committee is looking for people from all backgrounds and with diverse levels of interests.
“I’d like parents, community members who have an interest in the schools but may not have children in the schools, teachers, administrators… the goal of this committee is for it to be reflective of the community, so we want anyone who lives or works in Peabody,” said Binkley. “We are setting a direction for our school system over the next several years. It’s important that we know what all of the community wants and what all of the community needs.”


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