Peabody "Rebels" celebrate life

By Janelle Randazza
PEABODY – They call themselves the “Rebels” and they want to celebrate life. The North Shore-based women’s volleyball team is throwing a St. Patrick’s Day party to celebrate the life of teammate and Peabody native Demi Tzortizis, and to raise money for the clinic that treated her: the North Shore Cancer Center.
Three years ago the 43-year-old mother of three found a lump while showering at the gym. Days later she was diagnosed with Stage IV breast cancer and was told that she needed to immediately start aggressive therapy to battle the disease. The irony was that only eight-months before, Tzortizis, who had always been both physically and socially active, had participated in Avon’s 3-Day Walk to raise money for breast cancer.
“My father had cancer and [at the time] had been in remission for about four and a half years, but that wasn’t why I walked. I walked on a whim: I wanted the challenge and I wanted to raise money for a good cause… Who could have known that I may very well have had breast cancer while I was walking,” said Tzotizis, who today seems the picture of health.
Stage IV breast cancer, sometimes known as Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), is the least common but most aggressive type of breast cancer.
While only 1 to 4 percent of newly diagnosed cases are IBC, the typical survival time for patients diagnosed with this disease is 18 months. But, according to Joanne Capone, a fellow “Rebel” and a long-time friend of Tzorizis, in the 15 years they’ve been friends she has never once known Tzorizis to be typical.
“She is such an inspiration. If anyone could have fought [cancer] it was her,” said Capone, who said that even months into her treatment Tzorizis exercised every day and continued to lift weights and play on her volleyball team.
“After a while she, of course, had to slow down. But slowing down for Demi is different than for other people,” said Capone.
Tzorizis credits her success to her family, church, friends and to the excellent treatment she has received from NSCC and Joel Schwartz, MD.
“He treated my father when he had cancer and we just couldn’t believe how much they care for their patients over there. They don’t just treat the cancer, they treat the whole patient,” said Tzorizis, who said that she was continually in awe of the compassion and caring that the staff exhibited.
“I knew from day one that I wanted Dr. Schwartz to be my doctor,” said Tzorizis, who said that she and the team are organizing the event as a fundraiser for NSCC.
“How do you thank someone who saved your life?” said Tzortizis, who is looking forward to attending her daughter’s wedding this summer.
Tzortizis and the “Rebels” figure a good place to start is to throw a party – and hopefully raise some money for the people who helped her. Jimmy’s Allenhurst has donated their Crystal Ballroom and complementary hors d'œuvres, Adam Averback and Brad Brodie of Party Excitement of Peabody has donated music and DJing services from 8 p.m. to midnight, and all of the women have rallied together to make sure the party is a success.
“We have women going door-to-door to get donations for a raffle, we have a decorating committee, people doing publicity and getting a venue and music. We’ve all really worked together to make this happen,” said Capone.
The women have a goal of getting at least 500 guests to attend the event and, judging from Tzorizis’ track record, it seems certain that she won’t stop until that goal is met.
“I really want this to be a success. I really want to do something to give back; to do something personal and meaningful,” said Tzorizis, who feels she got world-class health care right in her backyard.
“I can’t say enough about Dr. Schwartz. He was every patient’s biggest cheerleader. He saved my dad’s life and he saved mine,” said Tzorizis.
Tzorizis’ teammates hope that the event and Tzorizis’ story will help to be an inspiration for others – Tzorizis, however feels the event is about something bigger than her story.
“This isn’t about me. This is about life and right now I’m celebrating it… I’ve made it to this side of the grass and it’s a good place to be.”
The St. Patrick’s Day Celebration of Life Party will be held on Friday, March 17, at Jimmy’s Allenhurst on Rte. 114 in Danvers. The party will feature a DJ, silent auction, and complimentary hors d’ouveres, pastry and coffee. Tickets are $25 and are available by contacting Demi Tzortzis at or (978) 535-3100. All proceeds will be donated to the North Shore Cancer Center in Peabody.
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