Lights, Mirrors, Scissors

Gloucester Daily Times
August 12, 2005
Lights, Mirrors, Scissors
By Janelle Randazza
"Like the kids on TV say, 'It's the bomb,'" says Priscilla Killam, 79, when describing Seashell Salon, the new hair salon at the Greycliff Nursing Home
Today, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will highlight the opening of the on-site salon, much to the delight of the residents.
What was once little more than a small broom closet has been transformed into a pampering center with a seashell theme, complete with seashell lights, large mirrors, nautical prints and "windows" created from photos of Good Harbor Beach framed in custom-made "window-pane" frames and curtains.
The hope was to create a place where residents can feel indulged and pampered.
"It is lovely. Having it is a good feeling," said Emma Ferrante, 84.
The idea of converting Greycliff's hair-cutting room into a salon came from Faye Passanisi, a hairdresser with 34 years of experience.
Passanisi came to Greycliff in March and wanted to provide the nursing home with a place for residents not just to have their hair cut, but to relax, enjoy themselves and feel young again.
And it seems like her idea is working, said Jodie Garinger, program director.
"When Faye told me about this, I said, 'Go for it,'" Garinger said. "Now they are in there with music going, and they are like young girls. They are psyched. It's like a real beauty parlor with them gossiping in their chairs and laughing, and that's really what you hope for."
Garinger and Passanisi are so happy with the response the salon is receiving they hope to employ a nail technician a few days a week to create the feeling of a full-service salon.
"They love the beauty parlor because they feel like they are downtown at some boutique with their girlfriends," said Katie Fitzgerald, a certified nursing assistant at Greycliff who was selected as part of a year-long training course on Resident Center Care. "They are sitting there feeling great, and they love it because it's pleasant to look at. It's full of color and individuality."
The renovation of the broom closet is just the beginning of a Greycliff initiative to give a more personal feeling to the home.
The initiative includes renovating bathrooms, hosting pizza parties and giving residents the power to make more choices about their care and living situation. Greycliff staff hopes residents enjoy a more home-like and less institutional setting.
Some plans for the future include more music around the nursing home, more trips away from it, van upgrades and cosmetic improvements. Greycliff allows the residents to vote on these changes and improvements through regular resident council meetings.
"Stay tuned," said Fitzgerald. "There are a lot more changes that are going to be made."
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